Firefly Easter Egg - Microsoft Joke

A very amusing Microsoft joke. At 21:40 into the episode, two of the crew are reprogramming one of the computers. They do this by removing a piece of hardware, altering it, and replacing it.

On the monitor as they ascend, visible for a few seconds, is Microsoft Windows, with the 'Add new hardware' dialog box visible.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: Pandilex on 08-15-2005
Reviewed By: DomFeargrieve, Techneon
Special Requirements: Firefly Episode 11, 'Trash'
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

22:21 into the episode - the Windows 98 style 'Add New Hardware' window is clearly visible.
22:21 into the episode - the Windows 98 style 'Add New Hardware' window is clearly visible.

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