RuneScape Easter Egg - All Your Base Are Belong to Runescape

For this egg, you must have started the 'Desert Treasure' quest. You must have done the section of the quest where you receive the 'Ring of Visibility' from the travelling merchant. After you recieve the ring, go to tomb near the Baxtorian Falls. When you have your ring equipped, you will see a ghost wandering around the area. **NOTE: You must NOT wear an Amulet of Ghostspeak**.

Talk to the ghost, and you will be launched into a series of random conversations. After a few times of clicking on him, your character will say "All your base are belong to us". This is a reference the AYB Craze that swept the internet, that stemmed from the badly translated game Zero-Wing.

User Rating:
  5.4/10 with 15 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-17-2006
Reviewed By: racedogg2, MorPH
Special Requirements: Runescape Membership
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