Thief 2: The Metal Age Easter Eggs

A Very Realistic Time Lock - 8.9/10 with 27 votes
1. Play the mission "First City Bank And Trust"
2. The main objective is to steal the recording from the vault. To get inside the vault, you'd normally have to go to the basement, gain access to the vault lock mechanism and deactivate it.
3. Instead,... more
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List of Quotes from the Thief 2 Team - 8.5/10 with 33 votes

The creators of the thief series are known to keep a list of quotes from the team while their games are in developement. The list from Thief 1 can be found in the training level's basketball court. The list for Thief 2 takes a lot more skill and patience... more
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Strange Sights Over the Wall - 7.2/10 with 76 votes
At the beginning of Mission 3: Framed, throw a scouting orb over the spiked wall to your left. Then look to the left with the scouting orb, and you'll see a very amusing scene.
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Thief 2 Reference to an Old Movie - 6.9/10 with 56 votes
In the Ambush! level, go to the Southern portion of Helena Way. Use the map to get there. Look for a wall bordering the stream that has 3 torches stuck in it. There are 4 boards nailed to the wall in the shape of a W. In the stream directly below... more

Gold Skull - 4.0/10 with 3 votes
1 Go to the level (blackmail)

2 When you start the mission hop all the gates to your right, all of them once you can't go any farther look for bushes, behind the bushes is a hole. Go through the hole and keep going til you see a river.
Go in the river... more

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