Wallace & Grommit A Close Shave Easter Eggs

Feathers MacGraw - 7.1/10 with 193 votes
Go to the scene where Gromit is flying down the cliff, and if you look VERY carefully there is the pengin Feathers MacGraw from The Wrong Trousers embedded in the cliff face!!!

ps i know this because the company my uncle works for, CFC, did the special... more
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Numerous Eggs in Wallace and Grommit (Any Episode) - 6.2/10 with 72 votes
Ewaffle again
In Response to Feathers pic in a close shave-
He also has writen a message in Grommits Jail Cell
(Grommit is Reading a book and the message is in the Bricks above his head)

Grommit's Literature-
Grommit Reads "The Republic"... more
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pic Frank from Creature Comforts - 2.2/10 with 13 votes
After the "Thunderbirds" sequence (near the beginning, after Wallace has answered the phone and is getting ready to go out window-cleaning), when the pond flips over, Frank the tortoise from Creature Comforts is one of the garden ornaments.

Note: Creature... more

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