Batman: Arkham Asylum Easter Eggs

pic Jason in Batman - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
NOTE: this must be done BEFORE you go to fight the final boss but AFTER the first TV Joker message!!!

Go to the room where the TV head Joker is. (the one where you go to end the game) As soon as you enter the room, look to your left and you should... more
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pic Hint to the Sequel - 8.0/10 with 1 votes
1. In the game, go to the Warden's Office located inside Arkham Mansion (preferably during the mission when you look for Dr. Young's notes, or after you finished the game).
2. When you walk through the door into the room with the fireplace, look to... more
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Scarecrow's Interview - 7.0/10 with 1 votes
After getting to Arkham Mansion and collecting at least one interview tape there, go to the character bios and listen to it.

It's for Scarecrow and features Arkham staff panicking over what seems like fear gas. The interesting part is the names of... more

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