Deep Blue Sea Easter Eggs

Same License Plate As in Jaws - 7.1/10 with 315 votes
As a homage to the original killer shark movie, the license plate that is taken out of the tiger shark's teeth in DEEP BLUE SEA reads the same as the license plate taken out of the tiger shark's stomach in JAWS. They both are 72 - 73 Louisiana plates... more
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Renny Harlin's Finnish - 4.6/10 with 98 votes
Because Renny Harlin's Finnish,he's included a few easter eggs in DBS:
1.In the bar,on a table there's a bottle of Finlandia vodka.
2.On one of the tables(I forgot which one) there's the flag of Finland.

Also,early in the movie you can see Renny... more
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