Out Of Sight Easter Eggs

Ray Gets Around - 5.9/10 with 22 votes
If you notice in the movie "Out Of Sight," Michael Keaton appears in the movie unbilled as a character named Ray Nicolette, He also appears in Jackie Brown as the same character, and the same occupation.
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Another Pulp Fiction Connection - 2.8/10 with 29 votes
Notice that "Buddy" (Ving Rhames) is never given a name in this movie other than what "Jack" (George Clooney) calls him which he confesses is not his real name. The ending of the movie leaves "Buddy"
very well off...possibly well-off enough to be Marcellus... more
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Pulp Fiction Pre-Cursor - 2.6/10 with 20 votes
Pay attention to the conversation between Jack (George Clooney) and his supposed getaway accomplice in the final scene. Its Samuel L. Jackson, speaking in quotes much like those of his character in Pulp Fiction. He is also Muslim by his name meaning... more
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