Romeo and Juliet Easter Eggs

Love That Graffiti - 5.9/10 with 66 votes
In the scenes when Romeo and co. are on Verona Beach, take a look at the grafitti on the walls behind them. In one scene (Mercutio's Death) the name "DiCaps" can clearly be seen over his shoulder. Several other members of the cast and crew grafittied... more
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Globe Theatre - 5.7/10 with 7 votes
At the point of the movie where Romeo and Benvolio are about to enter the pool hall, notice the text written above its enterance. It is 'Globe Theatre'. The Globe Theatre was the theatre that, in London, was the original place that Shakespear's Romeo... more
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Baz Luhrmann Song - 4.9/10 with 82 votes
In the wedding scene you could hear a song or some kind of hymn in the background, this could later be heard in the hit song "Everybody´s free to wear sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann, and he is the director of the movie.

btw Ödåkra äger...
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