Snatch Easter Eggs

pic Director Cameo - 5.3/10 with 35 votes
When Mike Reid (The Head) goes into the pub early in the film, the man sat to the right of screen, reading a news paper is director Guy Ritchie.

Lucky Star - 4.4/10 with 74 votes
In the Guy Richie film "Snatch" (Starring Brad Pitt), in the 19th chapter we meet Vinnie Jones' character "Bullet Teeth" he gets in a car and puts the radio on. He then remarks that the song playing is one of his favourite tunes. The song playing is... more
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4 Eggs - 3.8/10 with 34 votes
1. throw in the "HAZARD" dvd

2. go over to "making of Snatch" and press twice or three times (for 2 diffrent eggs)

3. from the main screen, press next to goto the next screen.

4. go over to the "B-roll" selection, and press twice, or three times... more
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