Hot Dog Easter Eggs

Creator and Production Team in Hotdog 5.* - 7.1/10 with 8 votes
1. Find the directory where you installed hotdog and open it (usually 'c:, program files, sausage software, hotdog5'

2. Open the 'htmlhelp' directory

3. Find the 'pirate' html file

4. Enjoy!

Developers Nicknames, Stories, and Pictures - 5.0/10 with 13 votes
1. select the "INSERT" tab
2. click on the last button "Applying cool effects to your words"
3. Start to construct a applet (doesn't matter what)
4. click on help

Hidden Pictures in v4.5 - 4.9/10 with 9 votes
1. start a new document
2. show gutter
3. hold down ctrl & shift & then triple click in the gutter on line 45

Picture of Brian - 4.5/10 with 21 votes
1. Got to help | about
2. double click on Hot dog logo
3. double click on brians pic

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