Deer Hunter 2 Easter Eggs

I Killed Rudolf! - 5.9/10 with 100 votes
1. Go to paint brush
2. Open deer hunter 2 files with paint brush
3. Click on the graphics menu in deer hunter 2 using paintbrush
4. Go to the file that says "tr img doe" or whatever you want to change
5. Bring up the picture in paintbrush
6.... more
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Moving Tree Stand - 5.6/10 with 45 votes
1. You choose a tree stand in accessories.
2. You go to any hunting location.
3. Pick out a tree, any tree that can hold a stand.
4. Once you get into the tree, put in the cheat code named dh2circle.
5. When you have completed the code, you should... more
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Deer Hunter Rain, Thunder, and Snow - 5.4/10 with 49 votes
1. begin new hunt
2. hit the f2 key
3. type in dh2rain, thunder or snow
4. if you do rain first than thunder you get thunder right away after you hit the f2 key for the second time.
you can make it snow in any state under any condition.
hope you... more
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Sweet Smell - 3.9/10 with 39 votes
1.Begin new hunt
2.hit the f2 button and type "dh2honey"
3.prees enter and then f2 again and you will be irristable to deer
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