Escape Velocity: Override Easter Eggs

The Forklift - 7.4/10 with 38 votes
To get this amazing easter egg:

1. When the option menu comes up, hold the option/alt button and click on it.

2. Watch the credits and storyline, then, when you see the text, -MCB 4:35. As it scrolls up, hold the buttons command-control-option-shift-F.
The... more
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Message from Stephen Hawkings - 7.3/10 with 34 votes
1.Hold down Control+Shift
2.Click just above the c in the title on the main screen.
3.You should hear Stephen Hawkings say "Hello Professor Falken. Would you like to play a game?"
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Matt's Poem - 7.1/10 with 9 votes
Heh nice one this.. good on Matt for coding it and Andrew for allowing it.
Basically hold the Option (Alt) key and the shift key down and click just above the c in the title "Escape"... a nice little poem about Matt's exerience with EVO and a coupla... more
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Disco Bison - 6.0/10 with 25 votes
1. Go to one of the wooden ship galaxies to the Left end of the galaxy.

2. Once in one of the systems, fly between them until you find one large planet surrounded by a small moon that cannot be landed on.

3. Force land on their planet (aka attack... more
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Oh My God! They Killed Kenny! - 5.6/10 with 11 votes
This is simple. Create a new pilot. Name him "Kenny". The name of the ship doesn't matter. This egg is easy because the EVO shuttlecraft comes armed. Attack some powerful ship (a UE Destroyer, or even a UE Fighter works fine). Make sure that you're... more
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