Final Fantasy VII Easter Eggs

A Date?!?!? - 7.1/10 with 112 votes
Barret will ask Cloud for a date just before you leave Midgar on the first disk if he thinks Cloud is interested. To make him think this, never talk to Tifa or Aeris unless it is needed to make the story continue. It's very funny, but you can't mess up... more
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7 Fever - 6.3/10 with 239 votes
This egg is a bit hard to get, but here it goes. If you get in to a battle with your max health at 7777 your charecter will go beserk do 7777 damage every attack and be knocked out at the end of the battle.
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pic Cait Sith - 4.5/10 with 221 votes
when you get the members card from the person wandering outside the honey bee inn (in wall market on the 1st cd)go to the lovers room(north east)and look through th keyhole and look at the bathtub at the right you will see cait sith jumping up and down!
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Secret Square Ad - 4.1/10 with 295 votes
1. Find Cloud while he recovers in Mideel.
2. Talk to him several times, I think 3 does the trick.
3. He will babble some junk, then mutter "Xenogears....".
4. And of course, Xenogears was a newly-released game at that time.
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