Pandora Directive Easter Eggs

Secret Room - 7.7/10 with 17 votes
1. At the Mayan temple, use the jackknife on the ceiling of the Snake Chamber (1st one)
2. Use the jackknife on the eye of the man being tortured on the wall 90 degrees to the left of where you entered the temple
3. Wait while it loads
4. You can... more
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Good Guy Points Screen - 6.8/10 with 14 votes
1. At any point in the game (except for during movie scenes and while in movement mode) hit J, K, Y (In that order)
2. At this screen it will tell you have path you are going down, and how many good-guiy points you have gotten so far

Pug's Head - 5.1/10 with 10 votes
When in the morgue, open the first cupboard on the right above the filing cabinet and you'll find Pug's head- a character from Under A Killing Moon.

Also, in Tex's office, if you look at the water cooler you'll get a funny reference to Pug as well.

Hmmm, Wonder Why That's There - 4.4/10 with 15 votes
When in Tex's office on any given day look at the books on his desk. One is about Utah caves (or something). When looked at, Tex says "One of these days, I realize my life long dream of spelunking in the Utah desert." The company which made the game (Access... more

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