Unreal Championship Easter Eggs

Frozen Cow - 10.0/10 with 8 votes
I don't remember the name of the level, but its the only level with "The winners ride out in style, while the losers enter cryostasis the hard way" in its description. Go to the metal garage with the grenade launcher in it, get the launcher and put your... more
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Hidden Powerup and Supplies - 7.5/10 with 2 votes
In the level Curse3, go to the hallway with the holes in the floor. There should be an openeng to your left. If you go through the opening, you'll come out on some rafters. Walk along the rafters and don't stop. You can walk right through the wall into... more

Another Hidden Supply Cache - 5.0/10 with 1 votes
On the level Curse3, take the large elevator near the dragon, then climb on to the topmost rafters. Walk straight along the beam and walk through the wall. There should be some health vials and some ammo.

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