Sam and Max Hit The Road Easter Eggs

A Really Sad Sam - 8.5/10 with 2 votes
This is a funny Egg. Change your cursor to the 'pick up' selection. Tell Sam to pick something up that he can't. Continue doing this to make Sam hysterically sad [and hear entertaining comments from Max.]

pic Bullet with Your Name on It - 7.3/10 with 32 votes
1.) At the very beginning of the game, Sam and Max start out in their office. Exit the office and walk down the hall.

2.) Right before you go down the stairs to the street, there is a short cinema where we see bullets fly out of Flint Papers' office... more
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pic Purple Tentacle & Guybrush Appear During Credits - 7.0/10 with 2 votes
You will need to complete the game to see this. During the end credits, you will be able to see the silhouettes of carnival toys (or targets) moving along the front of the screen. The order in which these toys appear on the screen is completely random,... more

pic Secret Bernards - 6.1/10 with 83 votes
At the three Snuckey restaurants, take a close look at the men working at each one. They are all Bernard from 'Day Of The Tentacle'(another LucasArts game) in various disguises.
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Nods to 'Monkey Island' and 'Full Throttle' - 5.4/10 with 5 votes
I'll make this a Two-Part-er, seeing as it's my first post and likely to be rejected. I hope they are egg-worthy.I noticed two LUCAS ARTS game references in the scene where Sam and Max encounter
Conroy Bumpus at Gator Golf. The first is when Conroy's... more

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