Terria (Devin Townsend) Easter Egg - Hidden Videos

1. Place the second disc into the computer and come out of the programme when it loads up.

2. Go to My Computer and select Explore function on the CD drive.

3. Go into the MPEG folder.

4. In there you will see all the videos of Devin Townsend live in Japan.

5. Two of these files are not available when the programme are running and can only be accessed through this folder!!

6. The two files are Christeen and Bad Devil.

I only found out about these two tracks when I went into the folder to copy them to my hard drive - I am glad I did, otherwise I would never have known!!!

User Rating:
  8.8/10 with 5 votes
Contributed By: Thineayngel on 07-17-2004
Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster, Boneho Chane
Special Requirements: Limited edition two disc version, plus a computer
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