Gabriel Knight 3 Easter Eggs

Cobain-Le-Chateau - 7.8/10 with 19 votes
Go to the cemetary of Rennes-le-chateau.
Walk to the wall that's opposite to the entrance.
Inspect the tombstone that is located in the corner (not the stone of Sauniere, in the other corner). Set your graphic options: Textures = high. If you look closely... more

Lots of Eggs with the "Egg" Icon - 7.1/10 with 76 votes
To trigger the egg icon, hit the Ctrl key, the Shift key and the ~ key. On some keyboards in other countries, you have to click something other than the ~ key. I'm not sure what.

When you hit these 3 buttons, the console comes up. In the console... more
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Next Adventure? - 7.0/10 with 15 votes
Type GK4 in Sidney to get a hint about what gabriel's next adventure will be about. :)

Clown Shoes - 6.4/10 with 7 votes
To trigger the egg, hit the Ctrl key, the Shift key and the ~ key. On some keyboards in other countries, you have to click something other than the ~ key. I'm not sure what.

When you hit these 3 buttons, the console comes up. In the console window... more

Mood Swings - 6.3/10 with 13 votes
To trigger the egg, hit the Ctrl key, the Shift key and the ~ key. On some keyboards in other countries, you have to click something other than the ~ key. I'm not sure what.

When you hit these 3 buttons, the console comes up. In the console window... more

Monty Python Egg Within an Egg - 5.5/10 with 27 votes
Once you get the spam about losing 30 pounds in 30 days, look at the bottom URL. it says As any true Monty Python fan knows, this is the famous line in the "spam" skit, where the man orders... more

Aren't Those 'Famous' Writers in the Book Shop? - 5.3/10 with 23 votes
If you go up to the book store window (where the book on the holy grail is seen) look in the window right next to the door. Jane Jensen (the woman who wrote and designed each Gabriel Knight game) can be seen. Also in the window is Gabriel's book he wrote... more
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Reference to Roger Wilco (Space Quest) - 3.9/10 with 14 votes
When you are able to enter the cleaning room in the hotel, examination of some of the cleaning equipment generates the reference.

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